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Working Paper

Risk Parity Is Not Short Volatility (Not That There's Anything Wrong with Short Volatility)

Are risk parity strategies hiding an implicit short volatility? To find out, we simulated stylized versions of three asset-class (equity, fixed income, and commodities) risk parity and short volatility strategies, and we compared the trading behavior and returns of each.


Risk Parity Derangement Syndrome

Cliff Asness explains why risk parity and trend-following strategies are not to blame for the recent market volatility.


Risk Parity: The Dog That Did Not Bite

Commentators are blaming risk parity as a driving force behind August's equity market volatility. We think this is short-term silliness, and explain why we believe risk parity isn't the cause.


Risk Parity Is Even Better Than We Thought

It’s not all or nothing when it comes to risk parity. Investors typically think they should be all 60/40 or all risk parity, but we think there's merit in adding risk parity to an existing 60/40 portfolio.


Yes, Lever, but With Care

Conventional wisdom holds that sensible investors avoid leverage. Cliff Asness argues that, if prudently employed, portfolio leverage can be beneficial in modest doses, with proper concern for its dangers.


Risk Parity: Why We Lever

The role of leverage in risk parity is often misunderstood. For risk parity investors, there may be benefits to using modest leverage—it helps them build a more diversified, more balanced, and potentially higher-return-for-the-risk-taken portfolio.

Journal Article

Leverage Aversion and Risk Parity

In recent years, a new approach to asset allocation called risk parity (RP) has been gaining in popularity among practitioners.

Journal Article

Derivatives Strategies for Endowment and Foundation Portfolios: The Manager Perspective

Many endowment and foundation funds automatically maintain a mix of 60% stocks and 40% bonds, and numerous researchers will tell them they are wrong.